About Us
Want to increase your knowledge and skills of gardening in Oklahoma? Here you will learn about us, the association, our mission to educate the community and improve horticultural practices in Oklahoma.
Our volunteer corps “Help Others Grow” by using university-based research information as the association continues to strive:
- To share researched and univeristy-based horticultural information with individuals and groups in the community utilizing our volunteer Committee members to provide classes and Learning Labs;
- To develop community programs related to horticultural needs and requests in coordination with Will Rogers Gardens:
- To develop a volunteer network that is administratively self-sufficient by organizing Committees to support specific areas, i.e., Childrens Committee
- To provide horticultural education and fellowship for Association members with monthly meetings and informative speakers, Leanring Labs, special events, tours; and car-pool events.
- To generate funds for the purpose of supporting Association programs and other horticultural-related programs, i.e., Plant Sales and Bake and Craft Sales.
Any personal information collected by the Association (name, address, phone numbers, emails, etc.) is for the sole use of the Association. This information will never be given away or sold to any entity outside the organization.
The Oklahoma Gardeners Association receives no city, county, state or federal funding for its programs. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization operating in Oklahoma County using fundraisers to provide the income for most of the programs. Personal and corporate donations are always welcome.
You may donate to OGA by clicking the DONATE button below or you can mail your tax deductible donation to:
Oklahoma Gardeners Association
PO Box 1725
Bethany, OK 73008
Additional information about us, the association, our mission and volunteer involvement in the community can be found on other webpages