The committee shall be appointed during the January Board meeting. The committee consists of a Chair, who is the Association’s Treasurer, and four (4) other members who are at least Certified Members and are to be chosen by the Board from members who do not currently serve on the Board. The committee is responsible for assisting in the preparation of the Association’s annual budget and for monitoring the Association’s monthly finances. It shall also recommend budgetary amendments and advise the Board of any concerns the committee may have regarding the Association’s financial welfare.The committee will present a proposed operating budget to the Board at the January Board meeting. The Board will adopt the Fiscal Year Budget during the February Board meeting and will present the adopted budget to the membership during the March Association meeting. Normal operating expenditures required prior to the approval of the annual budget will be approved by the Treasurer. the Budget Committee Chair is Barbara Jordan, with committee members Pat White, Pam Green, Margaret Biggs, and Patti Kate.